Custom Orders

Most Redbird rebinds are custom orders. A custom order is a collaboration between the customer and the rebinder, which means that you can create a one-of-a-kind rebind, or I can help you duplicate a Bible style that you really like.

We do two types of custom orders. 1.) We can take a brand new, or very good condition text block, and turn it into an ultra-premium rebind; or 2.) We can take your well-worn, well-used Bible and restore it to good, functional condition so that it can be used again for years to come.

Making a custom order is easy, but it’s also a process. It’s easy, because all you need to do to get on the waitlist is pay a $100 non-refundable deposit. It’s a process, because you’ll be working personally with Kevin to come up with the design and options that you would like for your rebind.

Every rebinder has a certain style, and has certain things they are really good at. If you ever come to Redbird looking for something that doesn’t quite fit my style or experience, I will be glad to point you to other rebinders who might better fit your needs.

Note: In the near future, we will be adding information here for pricing, waitlist time, and hopefully forms for choosing your rebind options. Stay tuned.

To inquire about a custom rebind, please fill out the contact form on this page, or email Kevin directly at